Gary & Linda

Gary & Linda
Hello, from our home in Mississippi!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mother and Her four Sisters, L to R Violet, Joy, Gladys, Myrtle and Bertha

My mother, Gladys Davidson has always been the one person on earth that I know prays for me everyday. That has been a source of great strength and confidence for me throughout my adult life. I am in the process as I write this of trying to imagine my days without the knowledge of and feeling those prayers in my days, yet my inter being tells me that those prayers will never end.

Even when Mother is no longer living those prayers she prayed for me will still be reaching God's ears, and He will still be answering each one.

Mother had a massive stroke a few weeks ago, and even though she survived she is not always the person I remember. My siblings and I were compelled to move her out of the hospital into the Magnolia Manor Nursing Home in Jefferson, Texas, where she will receive physical therapy. She is unable to use her left hand or foot, therefore cannot stand or get herself to the bathroom. The worst part of that is that she doesn't seem to know that she can't do those things, and is constantly saying that she can and wants to go home.

While this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through, I know it is one hundred times harder for my brother, Robert. It seems that Mother is blaming him for her having to be there, and is not being very sweet to him. Because I am 275 miles away in Mississippi, I am not helping in anyway except to be praying for her and the situation in general. I feel so guilty to be sitting at my computer recording these events instead of being there by Mother's side in her time of need. God knows every minute what is happening to Mother, and to me and He is in control so I am not second guessing the place that we find ourselves yet I am so sad.

If any of my readers hears God whisper my name this week, please say a prayer for me and my Mother. We both rely on God's Spirit in our lives to sustain us until that day that He calls us to our heavenly home.

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About Me

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God is so good! I am blessed to have the most wonderful two grown children who are both successful medical professionals. They are married to people who are equally nice people that love and appreciate them. In addition to having great kids, I also am a grandmother to three beautiful, and smart grandchildren. Lastly but certainly not least to me is the man whom I have been married to for 43 wonderful years. My husband Gary is one of the most upstanding Christian men living in the world today. He is honest, hardworking, handsome, but most of all he loves me and never fails to tell me so. Yes, I am truly blessed and I want everyone to know that I give all the glory to God, My Father.

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